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Okoədəj nopegət:A09

Səhifə myndəričot dastrəs ni bə čo zyvononədə.
Сe Vikipediá

Hello, colleague.
1. When you click on the Wikipedia logo, it sends you to the page Sarloha, not to Sərlovhə. How to fix it?
Colleague Quseйnaqa, can you delete Sarloha?
2. How to make it so that when selecting languages ​​in other Wikipedias it says not "tolışi", but "tolyši"? And on this page too - en:Wikipedia:List of Wikipedias.
With respect, colleagues. Smpad (no-pegət) 17:55, 5 Ijun 2024 (+04)[čəvob doj]

@A09, @Smpad Hello colleagues. I was thinking about these questions too, thanks for being interested too. I have already removed the Sarloha redirect, but after that the redirection to the main page is broken and it is impossible to go to the main page by clicking the Wikipedia logo. Therefore, I had to restore it.
I left a request on the technical portal, as I understand it is precisely for such questions that you need to contact there. But applications there take a long time to process, as I understand it. I forgot to mention the main page there (Sərlovhə), now I’ve added about that there too. But I mentioned the language and its incorrect name. It must be Tolyšə. Best regards, Quseйnaqa (no-pegət) 12:22, 6 Ijun 2024 (+04)[čəvob doj]
Sorry but I do not speak your language nor do I have the required technical knowledge to help you in any way. Sorry and all the best, A09 (no-pegət) 13:15, 6 Ijun 2024 (+04)[čəvob doj]